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NAMHO 2019: Cefngwyn
Last Updated: 10/05/2019



Self Lead, recommended for delegates around Tal-y-bont with some time on their hands.

Although just an extensive trial, the mine forms a very easy and pleasant trip. Remains of a wheelpit and crusher house, a flooded shaft has remains of an angle bob and part of the power train. A wet adit leads nowhere and most adits are just short trials. A longish usually dry adit is worth exploring and in dry weather can be done in boots.

Technicalities - obvious open dry adit.

None. easy walk in, dry in dry weather and can be done in boots.

Cefngwyn risk assessment


Roadside parking in the region of SN 681 868 there is a public right of way heading west which leads to the mine at SN678 869. There is also Mynydd Gorddau to the south, again cut by a PROW. The wet adit full of dead sheep is best avoided.